Monday, March 16, 2009

To CD : This is your translation..

游戏规则 Game Rules



Following are the game rules. Overall, it's almost the same like the previous rules.
The only difference is that any points(CP) obtained from caring activities will share the same amount of CP*.

a. SMS ------0.5 Caring Point/CP* & 0.5 Caring Point/CP
b. 部落格留言Message in blog ------1 CP* & 1CP
c. MMS ------2 CP* & 1CP
d. 关怀板 Caring Board------2 CP* & 1CP
e. 礼物 Gifts------3 CP* & 1CP
f. 自制礼物 Self-Made Prezzies ------5 CP* & 1CP
g. 部落格写文章 Article in the Blog------5 CP* & 1CP
h. 其他 Others ------? CP* & ?CP


1. 游戏将以分数进行,分数分布如下:
a. SMS ------0.5 Caring Point/CP* & 0.5 Caring Point/CP
b. 部落格留言 ------1 CP* & 1CP
c. MMS ------2 CP* & 2CP
d. 关怀板 ------2 CP* & 2CP
e. 礼物 ------3 CP* & 3CP
f. 自制礼物 ------5 CP* & 5CP
g. 部落格写文章 ------5 CP* & 5CP
h. 其他 ------? CP* & ?CP

2. 所有SMS及MMS都必须交由兆伟 (0169195817) 转寄。但是所有礼物必须交由秩成转送。
All SMS and MMS must be given to 兆伟-Zhao Wei (0169195817) to be forwarded. But all gifts are to be handled by Ah Sou(秩成)

3. 在部落格上发表留言或者文章都必须以“XX的小天使”为署名,绝对不可公布自己的名字。天使长将从关心的对象给分数与他的小天使。
Must leave message or write article in the blog as “XX的小天使” "xx's Angel",Do not ever announce your own name.Archangel shall give points according to the angel assigned to the name.
4. 每个人的分数将被放在
Everyone's CP/CP* shall be placed in

5. 每两个星期将会在部落格更新排名。排名将以CP为准。
Points Ranking will be announce fortnightly (every two weeks).It will be ranked according to CP.
6. 参与者可寻找自己的小天使。
Participants can find their own Little Angels.

7. 用35CP*可获得问兆伟或秩成一次有关关心自己或别人的小天使资料。要是我们认为所要回答的问题可让答案马上揭晓,我们可拒绝回答并要求更换题目。
Use 35CP* to ask zhao wei or ahsou once about ur little angel's or others little angel's information. If we think the answer for the question will reveal who the little angel are, they can refuse to answer or request to change question.
8. 小天使本身可用相同CP*来阻止被别人询问资料。
Little angels can use same CP* of their own to block others from requesting information.

9. 用35CP*可向兆伟或秩成猜自己或别人的小天使。猜对自己的小天使可获得100CP*与50CP;猜对别人的小天使可获得50CP*与25CP。猜错将不被惩罚。
Use 35 CP* guess own or others' angel.Correctly guessing of own little angel will let u obtain 100CP* and 50 CP. Correctly guessing others little angel will obtain 50CP* and 25CP. Wrong guesses will not be penalize.
10. 猜对答案者要保密,否则没收所有CP*与CP。
The correct guesser must keep the little angel's name a secret, else confiscate all CP* and CP
11. 身份被猜到的小天使将损失50CP给自己的小绵羊又或者25CP于其他人。CP*将不被影响。
Own identity which has been exposed will lose 50CP to own little sheep or 25CP to others. CP* will not be effected.
12. CP 低于0的参赛者将面对残酷的处罚。
CP lower than 0 will be put through extremely cruel punishment
13. 天使长可随时修改规则,以确保游戏进行的更加顺利。 发现bug这请踊跃报告天使长。
Archangel can ammend rules anytime to ensure the game can progress smoothly. Please contact archangel if any bug is found.

Now don't say you don't understand liao loh..

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